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- About the Kidney Transplant Learning Center
- Being a living donor
- What are kidneys?
- When kidneys stop working
- Treatment options
- Choosing not to treat your kidney disease
- What is dialysis?
- What are the dialysis options?
- How to choose a type of dialysis
- What is a kidney transplant?
- The kidney transplant waitlist
- What happens when UNOS matches me with a kidney?
- What is life like after transplant?
- After your transplant
- Pros and cons of transplant from a donor who has died
- Getting the transplant process started
- Psychological and financial interviews
- How could I get a transplant sooner?
- About living donor transplant
- What happens when you get a kidney from a living donor?
- What is life like after living donor transplant?
- Why choose a living donor transplant?
- Pros and cons of living donor transplants
- Getting the living donor transplant process started
- Who are living donors and why do they donate?
- How to find a living donor
- What to say to possible donors
- What to do if you find a donor
- What is a living donor?
- Types of transplant surgery
- How to cover medical and personal bills while you recover
- How your life may change after the donation surgery
- Pros and cons for a living donor
- Can I be a donor?
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- 100th living donor kidney transplant arranged through OPTN/UNOS Kidney Paired Donation Pilot Program
- Revised national kidney transplant allocation system is now in place
- New pancreas transplant policies take effect
- Brian Anderson of Lakewood, CO
- Karen Brooks of Seminole, FL
- Kennedy Carter of Mayville, MI
- Gaylene Grossen of Portland, OR
- Jim Gleason of Beverly, NJ
- Simon Keith of Las Vegas, NV
- Alice Bach of West Chester, PA
- Mary Magee-Huth of Channahon, IL
- Don Salamone of Fountain Hills, AZ
- Jill Thorne of Rescue, CA
- Jamie Warren of Blackfoot, ID
- Merle Zuel of Bonner Springs, KS
- Kathi Clapham of West Chester, PA
- Jhett Skaggs of Lexington, OK
- Dinorah Arambula of Las Vegas, NV
- Kathryn Smith of Miami, FL
- Heather Hazlett of Waxhaw, NC
- Clare Dowling of Danville, CA
- Jane Enright of Pickerington, OH
- Kim DeAngelo of Columbus, OH
- Barbara Craycraft of Franklin, OH
- Brendon Dix of Albuquerque, NM
- In Memoriam – Thomas Starzl, M.D.
- UNOS again named top workplace
- UNOS announces national donor memorial award winner
- OPTN/UNOS Board approves national board to review exception priority for liver transplant candidates, guidance document for transplant candidate education
- Two-year analysis shows effects of kidney allocation system
- Odds for receiving a kidney transplant now equal for black, white and Hispanic candidates
- UNOS Organ Center at 35: A vital link with the transplant community
- Brayden Welhoefer of Stoughton, WI
- Philip Rostek of Pittsburgh, PA
- Policy modification to lung distribution sequence
- At two years, HOPE Act still offering hope
- Board approves enhanced liver distribution system
- Life is a gift
- A heart transplant is a miracle
- Be more
- The special bond of Hudson and Uncle Trevor
- 'Yes' means we've become a family
- Losing a sister, saving a life with donation
- We can all help
- New Intestine Program Applications and Bylaws
- Deceased organ donors in United States exceeded 10,000 for first time in 2017
- Public comment sought
- UNOS celebrates 34th anniversary founding
- New booklet advises parents of pediatric transplant patients
- UNOS announces 2018 National Donor Memorial Award winner
- OPTN/UNOS Board adopts principles of geographic organ distribution
- OPTN/UNOS Board adopts principles of geographic organ distribution
- Upcoming heart allocation policy change
- T1D free!
- Constituent Council initiative tests options to improve committee structure
- I only had a 2% chance
- OPTN disaster relief information refresher
- Special public comment period addresses liver distribution
- UNOS wins contract to continue as national transplant network
- Liver distribution proposal advances for board consideration
- Whittney, kidney recipient
- Temperance, liver recipient
- Nita, kidney recipient
- Brooke, liver recipient
- Walter, kidney recipient
- Zion and Zhania, heart recipients
- Ben, heart recipient
- Chris, living donor
- Miller, double lung recipient
- Bobby, heart recipient
- Jill, liver recipient
- Jeanne Anne, heart recipient
- Betsy, living kidney donor
- Destiny, liver recipient
- Skylar, heart recipient
- Martin, double lung recipient
- Amber, heart recipient
- Dennis, heart recipient
- Matthew, heart recipient
- Tracy, liver recipient
- Travis, double lung recipient
- James, liver recipient
- Tim, kidney recipient
- 100 people transplanted thanks to HOPE Act
- Liza, kidney/pancreas recipient
- Auburn, lung recipient
- OPTN/UNOS operations not affected by partial federal shutdown
- Kathy, islet recipient
- Jim, liver recipient
- Sydney, organ donor
- Jodi, non-directed kidney donor
- C.J., kidney recipient
- Organ transplants in United States set sixth consecutive record in 2018
- Lindsay, double hand recipient
- Juniper, heart recipient
- Debbie Fields: Never knew I was sick
- Amanda Demchak: My second chance, thanks to an organ donor
- Janet Ocasio: My gift has given me 20 years of life
- Changes to liver policy and exception score process are in place
- Liver policy reverted to DSA and regions
- Gene Shimandle: A change of heart
- Mary Wu: Confessions of a kidney transplant recipient
- Jasmine Ruiz: Waitlisted
- Maria Margarita Gamboa: Life is beautiful
- NRLB update: MMaT calculation now based on DSA of transplant hospital
- My second heartbeat
- Bethany Goralski: Solitary kidney siblings
- Jameson Finney: The transplant that came out of left field
- Heart recipient honored with 2019 NDM Award for Excellence
- Maureen Jaret: The heart of giving
- Melissa Arias: Fighting for a heart
- Joe Lafferty: Living life Justin time
- Nadia Guerra: Running out of time
- Heart recipient honored with 2019 NDM Award for Excellence
- Matt Schneider: 4-time kidney recipient giving back
- Transplant patient webinar addresses proposed changes to kidney and pancreas distribution
- Omar Garriott: Liver recipient
- New national liver and intestinal organ transplant system in effect Feb. 4, 2020
- Jennifer Ontiveros: Miracles do happen
- Jimmy Potter: Daughter lives normal life again
- Kim Kondik: Above and beyond friendship
- Raimundo Anderson: My real life hero
- Roxanne Watson: Celebrating National Donate Life Month
- Gianna Paniagua: Celebrating National Donate Life Month
- Margo Gill: Celebrating National Donate Life Month
- Joseph Hillenburg: Celebrating National Donate Life Month
- The Cullen family: Celebrating National Donate Life Month
- Katie, my hero
- The Ripple Effect of Donation
- Brendan: A second set of lungs, a second chance at life
- My Lung Transplant Journey
- A new heart during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Change of heart – Giving back to mankind
- The Art of the SCAR: Redux
- Peggy Averitt celebrates seventh liverversary
- Gift of new life during trying times
- Nikita Patel: My Transplant Journey
- Lisa Armijo: My miracle
- Prabir Bagchi: Living with a transplanted lung
- Jax the Heart Warrior
- Matthew Kuchera: The gift of life during COVID-19
- Darmecia Crane: The perfect graduation gift
- The Gallery at UNOS: Nov. 5 virtual opening of Looking Back
- Quinn Family: Madelyn's Heart
- Mitchell Miller: A second chance for life here on earth
- Brian Montalbano: Heart Transplant x2
- David 'SKi' Skalski: Everything counts, the air I breathe
- Idoreyin Obuba: My Kidney Memoir
- Noah Thibodeau: "Live like Noah"
- Walter McCants Junior: Dialysis and post transplant
- Jace: A liver transplant in the midst of a pandemic
- Tiana: Five months post kidney transplant
- Khansaa's Heart: The Miracle that Changed My Life
- Curt Holland: A grateful heart
- Jen Lentini: Heart transplant recipient 7/6/96
- César López: Don't take anything for granted
- Sarah Ridder: A family's journey with IPF
- Valerie Bolt: Eleni the brave
- Terri Lynne Willis: 29 year liver transplant survivor
- Ginger Ireland-Hoffmann: From living liver donor to transplant nurse
- Joanna Pellegrini: My liver transplant story
- Curtisha Anderson: Life is good
- Ivette Rodriguez: Blessed
- Barbara Tennyson-Crawford: I am a wonder child
- Aubrynn Marshall: Saved by God's grace
- Sara Siqueiros: Mother of three heart transplant recipients
- Paul's Story
- Susan Robinson: Donor mother and founder of Love Rocks
- John Fahey: Unfathomable gratitude
- Austin Lee: Giving back and helping others
- Patrick McGlone: Enjoying the moment
- Mahogany Simmons: Always have faith
- Hannah Smith: A match made in heaven
- Marcus Simon: A life restored
- Thelma Warner: "I will continue to fight until my last breath"
- Jennifer Wickliffe: Hunter Lives On
- Kemberlie Hornbeak: Third time's a charm
- Lung and kidney patients: Animated videos describe allocation scores and formulas
- Honoring a life and finding joy in a bowl of cereal
- Captain Rob: Finding my hope
- Richard Schmidt: Grateful recipient
- All-time records again set in 2021 for organ transplants, organ donation from deceased donors
- Dawn Martin: I may not be a first responder, but my kidney is!
- Lynn Davis: My second chance at life!
- Mandi Smith: A God-led journey
- Kristen Logsdon: My brother is my hero!
- Richard G. Perez Senior: I'm a survivor
- Kirk Menefee: Everyday is a gift
- Barb McMillan: My lung transplant journey
- Clyde Resaba: Given a chance
- Leah Przedwiecki: My second chance of living
- Brian Friberg: Now I have many years of hope
- Shannon Catalano: 22 Kidney donors climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Lisa Tork: Heart transplant recipient
- Debbie Akers: Thankful to my donor each and every day
- Donnie Field Senior: My story
- Dr. Jonas Willie Gadson: "A bonus from Jonas"
- Bex Hall: The letter I wrote to a stranger
- Nicole Nidea: Lifelong organ donation advocate
- Monica Hall: Grace recipient
- Leah Howell: A challenging gift
- Joey Moughan: A soldier's story
- Bob Scozzafava: Celebrating my first liver-transplant anniversary
- Rita Woodward: Gratitude angel
- Jayde Kelly: A renewed heart
- Wes Hawkins: A second chance at life with PRIDE
- Jaclyn Smith: I woke up in another world
- Jerry Cahill: To the Brink and back after lung, liver, and kidney transplants
- Race-based calculations eliminated from transplant candidate listing
- Stephen Johnson: 40 years later
- Riki Graves: My daughter received a heart transplant at 17-days-old
- Thomas Burke: Determination
- James & Bridget Dewees: Second chance living
- Shawn Spicer: The greatest gift from a special someone up above
- U.S. reaches historic milestone of 1 million transplants
- Patient information on disaster relief and assistance
- Robin: Extremely grateful
- Nicole Sharkey: Time is spelled L.O.V.E
- Crystal King: My son got his mother back through organ donation
- Shannon Palmatier: Camden’s Journey
- Thank you for precious gift and bringing my boyfriend back
- Celine and Dean LeBlanc: Heart recipient surprises donor's mother at Thanksgiving
- New Medicare benefit available for kidney recipients
- Medicare Part B benefit available for kidney recipients
- Jennifer Ray: Never give up
- Marilyn DeRosa Wilkie: Never, ever give up
- 2022 organ transplants again set annual records
- Denise Redeker: Sometimes survival is a matter of little miracles
- Jose Matos: A God miracle, a new heart, a warrior
- Lisa Baxter: The gift I needed
- Bobby McLaughlin: More patience, kindness, and compassion
- Terri: After 18 years in heart failure, a new lease on life!
- Shirene Philipose: Taking off the white coat, putting on the hospital gown
- New lung allocation policy in effect
- My Family's PKD Story: Blessings and heartbreak through seven transplants and a ruptured brain aneurysm
- James Price: Brighter days still to come
- Becky Wiskur: Baseball, faith, and friendship
- Bridgett Bolar: Given a second chance
- Katherine Rudolph: A daughter's gift of love and life to her father
- Samantha Robinson: My story
- Karen Baytch: A new beginning
- Amykah Wiggins: Defeating the odds
- Orlando Torres: My gift of life
- David Bradshaw: How can I say thanks?
- Sara Miller: Launching a student movement after organ donation
- Perri Bartley: Three living kidney donors
- Connie Foster: My sister's gift
- John Palma: My donor's legacy
- LJ Dong: The Universe has your back (and kidney!)
- Climbing to the roof of the world, a team of living donors finds strength in each other
- Eric Harned: Living every day to the fullest
- Rita Sexton: Giant cell myocardias and a second chance at life
- Stephanie McGuigan: Love, pain, and a kidney
- Rebecca Duboise: My transplant story
- Raven Martin: Liver recipient paying it forward
- Darrell and John: A friend becomes family
- Heather: Fighting for life
- Tracey Finley: Blessed mama
- Radoishka Turbi-Low: New heart equals new hope
- Jen DeBouver: Liver recipient
- Kathalina: To my kidney donor
- Mubo Ojo: Thriving beyond diagnosis
- Animated videos describe MELD, PELD formulas
- Emma: excited to give back
- David: My miracle transplant journey
- Kaley: With thanks, a new kidney and a new pancreas
- Tony: My kidney donation story
- Dec. 19, 2023: Join UNOS and Donate Life America for the National Tree of Life event
- For Marc’s sake
- Christina: doing dialysis to live
- Michael: Yes you can (be a living donor)
- Rejected as a donor, but not deterred!
- Two times a kidney recipient
- Thankful for the time with my late husband
- Jonathan: my heart transplant story
- Glen: My mission is to help other patients.
- Daniela: My new beginning
- Cameron: saving my mother's life
- George: 48 years with a kidney transplant
- Erin: from medical student to heart transplant recipient
- Carlotta: forever joined by the gift of organ donation
- Sandy: I will be forever grateful to my donor!
- Brothers Celebrate 10 Years Post Life-Saving Liver Transplant
- Lisa: my life is so blessed
- Transplants and true friendship
- Nat’s Christmas Miracle
- Roberta: Truly blessed beyond measure
- Robert and Cherie: An unknown angel's gift
- Charlotte: Forever grateful for the decision I made
- Debi: a double lung transplant
- Celebrating a second birthday
- JoAnne: donating a kidney for my brother
- Patches: Blessed at the last moment!
- Tristen Hewitt: my son, my hero
- Gwendolyn: blessed beyond measure
- Gwendolyn: Take everything one day at a time
- Fred: Second Chances
- Rachel: Giving the gift of a kidney
- Brandee: End-stage renal failure met its match
- Veteran…pageant queen…dual organ donor? Oh my!
- Evie: Living life to the fullest