Tracey Finley: Blessed mama
I am so very thankful and blessed to have received my daughter’s liver and want to encourage people to be an organ donor.
I am so very thankful and blessed to have received my daughter’s liver and want to encourage people to be an organ donor.
Born with cystic fibrosis, Heather received a double-lung and liver transplant at age 19.
On December 23, 2022 I donated one of my kidneys! We are both doing amazing, and our family is starting to try to live a “normal” life.
My journey taught me several things, but the most important was that it taught me that I was a much stronger person, physically and mentally, then I ever realized!
I am very engaged in my community and have been blessed with a wide platform and have the opportunity to connect with so many inspiring people.
On the worst day of my life, my sister was able to save a life by donating her liver to a special education teacher named Trish.