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Find resources to help you with your transplant journey.

Join our community of organ transplant candidates, recipients, living donors, families and friends who are interested in learning more about the transplant experience. We’ll provide you with tools and information to help you and your loved ones before, during and after your transplant.

Life Giving Tuesday

Thank you

YOU made more second chances possible with your #LifeGivingTuesday support.


Why I volunteer

Transplant recipients and professionals volunteer to give back, to learn, to develop policy. Learn about UNOS Ambassadors and other volunteer opportunities.

Stories of hope

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On-demand webinars about issues that matter to patients and their loved ones.

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Support groups

Connect with other patients like you.

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Contact your donor family

There are important things to know when you decide to contact your donor family.

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UNOS Ambassador

Promote organ donation and transplantation.

In the news

New lung allocation policy in effect

Effective March 9, 2023, the OPTN launched a new policy for matching lung transplant candidates with organs from deceased donors.

UNOS proudly recognizes sponsors whose generosity helps make our lifesaving mission possible.
Learn about sponsorships and our editorial standards.

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