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More lives saved in 2023

Thank you to all the donors whose selfless gifts made possible more than 46,000 lifesaving transplants last year

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Help with prescriptions

Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, a new medicare benefit helps cover the costs for immunosuppressive drugs beyond 36 months after transplant for patients with ESRD.

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Living donation

Living donation provides an alternative to kidney and liver patients waiting on the national transplant list.

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Kidney disease and treatment

When your kidneys no longer work, you need to choose a treatment option.

Learn about options

Understanding transplant costs

Transplants raise financial questions and concerns for patients. Learn how to make a plan with your team.

Make a plan

Find a support group

Find a support group

Receive support from other organ transplant patients and families by finding a support group near you. Click here to learn more and find the right type of support group for you or your family.



Before undergoing an organ transplant, it’s important to understand the costs. You will want to work with your transplant team make sure you have an individual plan to cover transplant costs.



In order for patients to have successful transplant outcomes, it’s important for organ recipients or living donors to have quality care and support before and after surgery. Learn more.

Living Donation

Living donation

With living donation, a living person donates an organ or part of an organ for transplantation. Living organ donors make thousands of transplants possible every year.

Learning center

Kidney transplants

There are many options to consider when you have end-stage renal disease. Walk through your options.


Learn about policy development and issues that matter to patients and their loved ones. Watch now

Stories of hope

We celebrate the individuals who have been forever changed by organ donation and transplant.

Read a story. And share yours.

More than


lifesaving organ transplants in 2023

More than


deceased and living donors in 2023

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