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Stories of hope

Robert and Cherie: An unknown angel’s gift

Robert and Cherie

My name is Cherie. It is really hard to put into words our journey. I am a caregiver to my husband, Robert. He is 8 years post double-lung transplant. We have been together or 28 years; 8 of those he spent on oxygen waiting for a life saving transplant, not complaining at all, wearing oxygen daily. During this time, I journaled: while waiting, during the hospital stay, afterwards, and ultimately meeting the donor family.

This whole journey changed our lives forever and gave us a new lease on life.

A family lost someone so dear to them, but he saved so many lives, my husband’s included.

The title of my story here is the title of my book, written from a caregiver perspective. It is a couple’s lung transplant journey. I wrote what I needed to read about so many years ago, but there were not enough resources.

Every chance we have gotten, my husband and I give back to the community. We have helped facilitate and attend monthly transplant support meetings with the Hospital staff and mentored many people just starting out as we did many years ago. We also volunteer for Gift of Life events. We also do presentations and signings pertaining to my book. It has been so rewarding and amazing to give back to so many people. When I wrote my book, my hope was that I would help others in their journey. My husband is my hero. As I watched him struggle and cope, it taught me so much about life and the struggles a person faces when facing a disease process and trying to hold on. While I try to inspire others and offer hope, it is so very important to us to share our story.

It is so important to spread awareness about the importance of organ donation. And to see all the amazing stories out there is inspiring. Life is really a blessing, and we are grateful to make new memories every day with friends and family thanks to my husband’s donor – God’s gift. Pictured here are Cherie and Robert…while on oxygen waiting, and then without oxygen, breathing.

Hand-drawn heart
Lung, Stories

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